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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Spatial organization of endometrial gene expression at the onset of embryo attachment in pigs

Fig. 3

Comparative DAVID Gene Ontology chart analysis. Overrepresentation of the most significantly overrepresented functional categories of each LCM sample type (LE: luminal epithelium, GE: glandular epithelium, BV: blood vessel, S: stroma, All: overrepresented in all sample types) was compared. Categories were filtered manually for redundancy. The word clouds on the left side indicate the main functional categories/terms for the DEGs obtained for the respective endometrial compartments. Characteristic terms and words of the overrepresented categories were used to generate word clouds where the font size indicates the frequency of the word or term. The heatmap shows a score combining fold enrichment and false discovery rate (blue = lowest score, red = score of 7 or higher). For details of the DAVID GO chart analysis see Additional file 7: Table S4

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