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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Single-molecule analysis of subtelomeres and telomeres in Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) cells

Fig. 3

End telomere lengths and retained ITSs at specific recombined telomeres. Telomere (TTAGGG) n tract length results for 19p, 18q, and 21q from U2OS. Each single molecule telomere length measurement is represented by a dot and the average telomere length for each chromosome arm is shown as a horizontal line. For each chromosome arm, the left group of dots is from telomere end molecules. The total number of molecules is reported below with the number of molecules with complete telomere tract loss in parentheses. The right group of dots is from molecules with recombined telomere ends. The total number of recombined molecules is reported below with the number of recombined end molecules lacking retention of a detectable (TTAGGG) n tract indicated in parentheses

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