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Fig. 6 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 6

From: Enhanced sugar accumulation and regulated plant hormone signalling genes contribute to cold tolerance in hypoploid Saccharum spontaneum

Fig. 6

Changes in plant hormone signalling, expression levels of BSK revealed by RNA-seq and RT-qPCR, and brassinosteroid content after exposure to cold stress. a Heat map of the log2(fold change) value generated by RNA-seq analysis of the four pairwise comparisons (LL vs. HL, LC vs. HC, LL vs. LC, HL vs. HC). The IDs of reference homologous genes and their enzymes collected from the genomic databases are shown on the left. The gradient colour bar code shown below represents the normalized log2(fold change) value. b Expression levels of BSK as revealed by RNA-seq and RT-qPCR. The red curve indicates the FPKM value generated by RNA-seq; the green column indicates the value generated by RT-qPCR using the 18S rRNA gene as an internal reference; the yellow column indicates the value generated by RT-qPCR using the GAPDH gene as an internal reference. c Brassinosteroid content in clones 12–23 and 15–28 plants under control vs. cold stress. (* indicates significant difference, p < 0.05)

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