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Fig. 7 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 7

From: Multi-omics sequencing provides insight into floral transition in Catalpa bungei. C.A. Mey

Fig. 7

Characterization of AS events and validation of isoforms using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT)-PCR. a The proportion of different types of AS events detected by Illumina-seq or SMRT-seq in EF and NF. Classification of AS events: exon skipping (SE), intron retention (IR), and alternative exon (AE). b RT-PCR validation of AS events for five genes. Gel bands in each figure show PCR results in NF and EF. The transcript structure of each isoform is shown in the right panel. Boxes show exons in each transcript model. Green boxes show the isoforms from EF, and yellow boxes show the isoforms from NF. PCR primers (F, forward and R, reverse) are shown on the first isoform of each gene. c The number of genes belonging to the three genres. Genre-I contains the genes that have less isoforms in the EF variety than in the NF variety; genre-II contains the genes with similar numbers of isoforms in the EF and NF varieties. Genre-III contains the genes with less isoforms in the NF variety than in the EF variety. d The number isoforms of homologous genes in EF and NF. Gene names in the reference annotation (in parentheses) and corresponding names in the C. bungei genome are shown

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