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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Genomic content of chemosensory receptors in two sister blister beetles facilitates characterization of chemosensory evolution

Fig. 3

Maximum Likelihood Phylogeny Based on the Protein Sequences of the Candidate IRs and iGluRs. Red: H. cichorii (Hcic); blue: H. phaleratus (Hpha); black: T. castaneum (Tcas); turquoise: D. ponderosae (Dpon); purple: L. decemlineata (Ldec) and grey: A. planipennis (Apla). The tree is based on MAFFT alignment, was constructed using RAxML, and was rooted with the conserved lineage of putative IR8a/25a clade. The coloured dots indicate nonparametric bootstrap support (%): red: ≥ 80, yellow: 50–79, and black: < 50. The ‘antennal IRs’ are shaded with colours. Major Hycleus-specific expansion of ‘IR41a’ is evident, and the ‘IR75’ clade is expanded in both the Hycleus genus and bark beetle (plum shade). The red asterisk (*) marks the positively selected gene pairs

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