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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: Using short read sequencing to characterise balanced reciprocal translocations in pigs

Fig. 4

Representation of t (1, 16). a Giemsa stained karyotype picture of t (1, 16) carrier (Pig7). The derived chromosomes are indicated with the note ‘RT’. b Breakpoint locations on chromosome 1 and 16 visualized in IGV with gene (blue) and repeat track (green) at top. Grey read are normal reads. Colored reads are reads of a discordant pairs (mate maps to another chromosome). Green (A), red (T), blue (C) and orange/brown (G) show mismatched bases from split reads. c Graphical representation of the double stranded break and connection type, and the derived chromosomes (der). Head and tail are the two resulting ends of the chromosome due to the breakpoint, with head being the top part (start of chromosome till breakpoint), and tail the bottom part (breakpoint till end of chromosome). The grey dashed lines show how the junctions were created, here 3′ to 5′ and 5′ to 3′. d The sequence of the derived chromosomes at the junction. Red sequence indicates the inserted sequence (micro-insertion) at the junction. In both c and d chromosome 1 is in blue and 16 in green

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