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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Genome of the four-finger threadfin Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Perciforms: Polynemidae)

Fig. 1

Comparison of orthologous gene groups between E. tetradactylum and other vertebrates. a Shared and unique orthologous gene groups in four species of Teleostei and human. b Genome-wide comparison of orthologous genes among various percid fish. Abbreviations: Cau: goldfish Carassius auratus; Dre: zebrafish Danio rerio; Ete/Etet: four-finger threadfin Eleutheronema tetradactylum; Hsa: human Homo sapiens; Ssa: Atlantic salmon Salmo salar; Carg: Channa argus; Ecra: Etheostoma cragini; Espe: Etheostoma spectabile; Lcro: Larimichthys crocea; Lmac: Lateolabrax maculate; Nalb: Nibea albiflora; Pcha: Parachaenichthys charcoti; Pfla: Perca flavescens; Pflu: Perca fluviatilis; Sluc: Sander lucioperca; Ssin: Sillago sinica

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