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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Ion channel profiling of the Lymnaea stagnalis ganglia via transcriptome analysis

Fig. 5

Enriched GO terms of genes encoded by transcripts in the 3729 orthogroups shared amongst M. musculus, X. tropicalis, D. rerio, L. stagnalis, D. melanogaster, and C. elegans. Using the REVIGO tool, GO terms in the “Biological process” (a), “Cellular components” (b) and “Molecular function” (c) classes were clustered in two-dimensional space via the SimRel semantic similarity measure to summarize their relationship to each other and coloured according to their positions on the semantic x-axis. Consequently, related GO terms are closer on the plot and more similar in colour. The arbitrary semantic space units on either axis have no intrinsic meaning. Orthogroups common amongst all six organisms commonly involved a intracellular signaling pathways (red/orange), b ionotropic glutamate receptor signaling (blue), and c ion transport (red/orange), among others

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