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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Comparative genome characterization of the periodontal pathogen Tannerella forsythia

Fig. 2

Multiple whole genome alignment of eight T. forsythia strains. Each coloured block represents a genomic region that aligned to a region in at least one other genome, plotted in the same colour, to which it was predicted to be homologous based on sequence similarity. Blocks above the centre line indicate forward orientation; blocks below the line indicate reverse orientation relative to strain 92A2. A histogram within each block shows the average similarity of a region to its counterparts in the other genomes. Red vertical lines indicate contig boundaries. Strain ATCC 43037 displayed two translocations compared to strain 92A2 with lengths of approximately 500 kbp (blue and yellow blocks at the right end of 92A2 and in the centre of ATCC) and 30 kbp (pink block at approx. 1.25 Mbp in 92A2 and at approx. 2.7 Mbp in ATCC), respectively. Previously described large-scale inversions in strain KS16 could be confirmed (reverted blocks in the left half of the alignment)

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