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Fig. 6 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 6

From: Comparison of the performance of an amplicon sequencing assay based on Oxford Nanopore technology to real-time PCR assays for detecting bacterial biodefense pathogens

Fig. 6

Heat map of sequence read counts from 14 plex real time PCR reactions from samples spiked with all strains (48 h data). Heat map of read counts (log10 scale) of Set 2, mixed agent multiplex amplicon sequencing on ONT platform. a) Results analyzed after the first 10 min of ONT data collected and b) Results analyzed after the full 48 h runtime. Organism and corresponding strains are indicated across the top, condition and spiking concentrations (CFUs) (10 fold dilution steps 5 through 1) are along the right side (numbers in Table 2), and replicate number along the left side. Conditions are as follows: CB cocktail buffer, CF clean filter, and DF dirty filter. The x-axis indicates assay (or amplicon reference)

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