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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Impact of short-read sequencing on the misassembly of a plant genome

Fig. 5

Categories of correctly and mis- assembled regions based on alignments of Short- and Long-read assemblies. a Dotplots of example genomic regions of six categories of regions aligned between Short- and Long-read assembly. Color boxes and lines: corresponding regions between assemblies bound by the dotted lines. C1: regions correctly assembled and not duplicated; C2: locally duplicated regions, correctly assembled; C3: non-locally duplicated regions, correctly assembled; M1: regions not duplicated but misassembled; M2: locally duplicated, misassembled; M3: non-locally duplicated, misassembled. b Proportion of total length of HC, BG, or LC regions in each of six aligned region categories in (a). c Proportion of the total number of Short-read assembly HC regions defined as HC, LC, BG regions in Long-read assembly for each aligned region category. d Proportion of the total length of an aligned region category overlapped with HC, LC, BG, or other regions. For each aligned region category, the values from HC, BG, LC, and other add up to be 1.0

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