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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: A study of the heterochronic sense/antisense RNA representation in florets of sexual and apomictic Paspalum notatum

Fig. 5

Transcript expression dynamics in clusters of selected genes. Clusters of transcripts showing similar expression, derived from: a the total (all) DETs raw counts matrix; b the common DETs raw counts matrix (common DETS are sense transcripts differentially expressed at all stages); c the total (all) DEATs raw counts matrix; d the common DEATs raw counts matrix (common DEATs are antisense transcripts differentially expressed at all stages). Vertical axis: mean counts (scaled) of the triplicate libraries. Horizontal axis: developmental stages: P: premeiosis; M: meiosis; Po: postmeiosis; A: anthesis

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