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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: In silico analysis of bacterial translation factors reveal distinct translation event specific pI values

Fig. 4

Phylogenetic tree constructed using primary amino acid sequences of IF2 and RRF proteins. a Phylogenetic analysis of IF2 protein. b Phylogenetic analysis of RRF protein. In both cases, a and b, we analyzed the evolutionary history using the Maximum Likelihood method based on the JTT matrix-based model. We took 500 bootstrap replicates to build the phylogenetic tree. Numbers near the branches refer to the bootstrap percentages (greater than 50% bootstrap replicates only shown here). The tree had been drawn to scale after eliminating all positions containing gaps and missing data. The branch lengths were measured by the number of substitutions per site. Blue triangles and red circles refer to the basic and acidic pI values respectively

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