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Fig. 7 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 7

From: Transcriptional profiling of identified neurons in leech

Fig. 7

Expression and molecular phylogeny of leech IP3R genes a. Expression levels in four cell types and the remainder of the ganglion of the 5 IP3R transcripts in the Hirudo transcriptome. Error bars denote the standard error of the mean; TPM = Transcripts per Kilobase Million. b. A maximum-likelihood phylogeny including the Helobdella robusta orthologs (red) of the transcripts shown in (a), shows their assignment to the three previously identified receptor families: IP3RA, IP3RB and Ryanodine Receptors. Bootstrap values are shown adjacent to each node; scale bar = the average number of substitutions per site along each branch. Mouse = Mus musculus, Zebrafish = Danio rerio, Human = Homo sapiens, Limpet = Lottia gigantea, Leech = Helobdella robusta, Polychaete = Capitella teleta, Horseshoe Crab = Limulus polyphemus, Beetle = Tribolium castaneum, Fly = Drosophila melanogaster, Nematode = Caenorhabditus elegans, Acorn Worm = Saccoglossus kowalevskii

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