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Table 1 Time-course transcriptome response of P. persica leaves to treatment with PpPep1 and PpPep2

From: Prunus persica plant endogenous peptides PpPep1 and PpPep2 cause PTI-like transcriptome reprogramming in peach and enhance resistance to Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni

  1. Gene set enrichment analysis was carried out using GSEA and adjusted p < 0.01. For every peptide (PpPep1 and PpPep2), samples treated for 1, 24 and 48 h were compared to those corresponding to the previous time-point [first vs. second time (t) condition in the first row]. Red and blue indicate upregulation and downregulation, respectively, of the genes contributing to each bin. Bright red and blue indicate statistically significant enrichment. Blank, light red and light blue cells indicate the absence of statistically significant enrichment. Size indicates the number of genes in the gene set after filtering out those not in the expression dataset. Additional file 8 shows the data for all BINs and comparisons and Additional file 9 has detailed information about all genes contributing to each BIN enrichment