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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Genomic analysis of novel Yarrowia-like yeast symbionts associated with the carrion-feeding burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides

Fig. 5

Schematic maps of Yarrowia-like yeast mitochondrial genomes. Blue arrows represent rRNA genes; red arrows represent protein-coding genes. Red rectangles and arrows connected by gray bars indicate genes with an exon-intron structure, where introns are gray. Shaded red arrows represent open reading frames not present in any of the other mitochondrial genomes. White arrows with red outline represent regions homologous to genes, but due to indels or SNPs these genes are not functional (marked with *). The end of each mitochondrial contig is indicated by a black bar. In case of splice variants, the longest version is displayed. Phylogenetic relation was calculated on the amino acid level based on the mitochondrial core genome using EDGAR and is indicated on the left. Lengths of the branches in this tree have no significance

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