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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Rapid sequence evolution driven by transposable elements at a virulence locus in a fungal wheat pathogen

Fig. 1

Genetic and phenotypic diversity in a single field population of Zymoseptoria tritici. a Minor allele frequency spectrum (frequency of the less common allele in the population) at 1′496’037 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci genotyped in 120 isolates. b Phylogenetic network of 120 isolates constructed using SplitsTree visualizing reticulation due to potential recombination. c The first two principal components (PC) from a PC analysis of 788′313 genome-wide SNPs with a minor allele frequency of at least 5%. Isolates are color-coded by the cultivar of the origin. d Photographs showing the difference between a mock treated and infected leaf. e Trait distribution of pycnidia counts in lesions and the percentage of leaf area covered by lesion (PLACL). f SNP based heritability (h2 SNP) of the virulence phenotypes estimated following a GREML approach. Error bars indicate standard errors. g Mean allelic effect (i.e.. genetic) correlation and phenotypic correlation coefficients for all measured virulence phenotypes. h Number of significantly associated SNPs (5% FDR threshold) exclusive to an individual virulence trait or shared among traits

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