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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Modelling segmental duplications in the human genome

Fig. 2

a. The SD network component size distribution plotted on a log-log scale using logarithmic binning (see “Methods” section). The number of connected components decreases with their size comparable to a power-law distribution p(N)N−2.7 which is represented as a straight orange line added as a guide to the eye. One distinctive feature of this distribution is the presence of a giant component which shows up as a single dot on the right of the distribution. b. The node degree distribution of the SD network plotted on a log-linear scale. An exponential tail of the node degree distribution is stressed with the orange guide to the eye line. c. For each component size observed in the SD network the average number of edges in corresponding components is plotted on a log-log scale. An average number of edges in components grows as a power-law of a component size: E(N)N1.47 dependence (orange line) was fitted with linear regression log(E) log(N)

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