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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Validation of a novel associative transcriptomics pipeline in Brassica oleracea: identifying candidates for vernalisation response

Fig. 3

The developed pipeline identifies associations with flowering traits. Distribution of mapped markers associating with (A) Number of DTF under non-vernalising conditions (B) DTB after a six-week pre-growth, twelve weeks vernalisation 10 ºC (C) The difference in DTB between six and twelve weeks of vernalisation at 15 ºC, after exposure to a ten-week pre-growth (D) The DTF after exposure to six-week pre-growth, twelve weeks vernalisation 10 ºC. Sixty-nine accessions of B. oleracea were phenotyped for DTB and DTF and marker associations were calculated using a generalized linear model, implemented in TASSEL to incorporate population structure. Log10 (P values) were plotted against the nine B. oleracea chromosomes in SNP order. Blue line FDR threshold, P < 0.05, FDR threshold was not met for A) and D)

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