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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Transcriptomal dissection of soybean circadian rhythmicity in two geographically, phenotypically and genetically distinct cultivars

Fig. 3

Alternative splicing shows the circadian rhythmicity. (A) Statistics of alternative splicing (AS) events in assembled genes. (B) Statistics of alternative splicing (AS) events in assembled transcripts. (C) Alternative splicing events are counted based on the transcript with the highest expression for each gene. (D) Correlations of alternative splicing events. (E) Total expression levels of alternative splicing events. (F) Ratio of the total expression between alternative splicing transcripts and all transcripts. AA, alternative 3’ acceptor site; AD, alternative 5’ donor site; ES, exon skipping; ME, mutual exon and IR, intron retention. HX3, Huaxia 3. ZH24, Zhonghuang 24. Grey bar, the supposed night in continuous light conditions

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