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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: A validated generally applicable approach using the systematic assessment of disease modules by GWAS reveals a multi-omic module strongly associated with risk factors in multiple sclerosis

Fig. 5

Risk factor enrichment and network visualization of the MS multi-omic module. (a) Evidence levels and effect on MS of the risk factor. (b) Enrichment overlap of multi-omic MS module genes in the top 1000 DMGs in risk factor datasets and independent risk factor methylation dataset (see Methods) shown as Fisher’s exact test P-values (threshold α = 0.05). (c) Visualization of the module. Nodes (module genes) are arranged in functional clusters according to their overrepresented GO terms. Genes with a known association to MS are marked with a blue circle. Node colors display the associations to an MS risk factor for which the module is significantly enriched (red, alcohol use; green, high BMI; yellow, smoking; purple, low sun exposure; light blue, EBV infection; grey, no association). Edges were extracted from the STRING dB v11 human PPI network of experimentally validated interactions (confidence score > 700)

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