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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Exon and intron sharing in opposite direction-an undocumented phenomenon in human genome-between Pou5f1 and Tcf19 genes

Fig. 3

Schematic structure of Pou5f1 and Tcf19 genes. TCF19-D variant is transcribed from Tcf19 gene and OCT4B3 variant is transcribed from Pou5f1 (Oct4 gene). TCF19-D and OCT4B3 show overlapped and shared exons and intron (a). Canonical 5’GT-AG3’ splice site is used in TCF19 introns as well as non-overlapped introns of OCT4B3, while overlapped introns of OCT4B3 use non-canonical 5’AT-AC3’ and 5’CT-AC3’ splice site (b). Boxes represent exons and lines between each two boxes represent introns. E: Exon. Arrows show the direction of each gene. Yellow box is a cryptic exon here, which functions as intron in some of OCT4 transcript [21]

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