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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: Chromatin enrichment for proteomics in plants (ChEP-P) implicates the histone reader ALFIN-LIKE 6 in jasmonate signalling

Fig. 4

Comparison of ChEP-P with other proteomic approaches. (A) Venn diagram illustrating the number of proteins identified by ChEP-P and the overlap with two published datasets aimed at identifying the RNA-binding proteome [38] and ubiquitinated proteins [2] in Arabidopsis seedlings. (B) Enrichment of chromatin-associated proteins by the various approaches. (C) Functional categories of chromatin related-proteins obtained in the ChEP-P experiment. (D) Gene ontology (biological process) analysis of the nucleus-localized proteins identified by ChEP-P. The GO figure was generated using REVIGO with the R script from the REVIGO web-server. The gradient colour corresponds to the significance (log10 P value), the size of the plotted bubbles indicates the frequency of the GO terms they represent

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