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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Emergence of distinct syntenic density regimes is associated with early metazoan genomic transitions

Fig. 1

Microsynteny gains and losses along metazoan transitions. Microsyntenies indicated in the stems leading to key nodes. Relationships between major animal phyla based on [19], polytomy at the root of Metazoa and Bilateria due to the disputed position of Ctenophora [20], and Xenacoelomorpha [21, 22], respectively. Number of species surveyed for each group is indicated in brackets. The heatmap shows the percentage of novel blocks associated with the Metazoan, Parahoxozoan, Planulozoan and Bilaterian Last common ancestors that were retained in extant animals. B Block count in key nodes of the metazoan tree (topology from panel A), from animal genomes and shuffled genomes (3 sets), plotted as a function of node recency. Nodes are: Choanozoa (Choa), Metazoa (Met), Parahoxozoa (Par), Planulozoa (Pla), Bilateria (Bil), Cnidarian (Cni), Deuterostomia (Deu), Protostomia (Pro), Ecdysozoa (Ecd), Lophotrochozoa (Loph), Ambulacraria (Amb), Chordata (Chor), Olfactores (Olf), Mollusca (Mol), Vertebrata (Ver). The values of recency only reflect the relative ages of the nodes, based on [23]. Values are Pearson correlation coefficients (R) and their p-values (p)

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