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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Abundant small RNAs in the reproductive tissues and eggs of the honey bee, Apis mellifera

Fig. 1

Small RNA species in the reproductive tissues of the honey bee. A. Size distribution of small RNAs between 13 and 43 nt in length mapped to the Amel 4.5 honey bee genome. Pie charts show the proportion of mapped reads that align to annotations of each biotype (tRNA, pre-miRNA, mRNA, other ncRNA and unannotated) for each tissue type. B. Euler plot illustrating number of novel miRNAs discovered in each reproductive tissue type and the overlap between tissue types. C. The 10 most abundant tRFs in semen and their relative abundance in other tissue types. tRF isoforms that originate from the same tRNA are shown as different shades of the same colour. D. A representation of the abundance of tRNA fragments derived from the tRNAGlyGCC in semen. The origin of each tRF is shown by its position around the molecule and relative abundance is indicated by colour

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