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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Identification of circRNA-associated ceRNA networks using longissimus thoracis of pigs of different breeds and growth stages

Fig. 3

Identification of circRNA candidates using five predicting algorithms (A) Common circRNA candidates identified by all five algorithms. (B) Number of differentially expressed circRNAs between Lantang and Landrace pigs at birth and 90 postnatal days. “Up” and “down” represent the number of circRNAs with increased and decreased expression in the latter, respectively. (C) Heatmap showing differentially expressed circRNAs. (D) 31 up–down–up regulation patterns of circRNA-miRNA-mRNA correlation networks between LT1D and LT90D comparison. Solid circles represent circRNAs, triangles represent miRNAs, and squares represent coding genes. Red represents upregulation and green represents downregulation in Lantang pigs. Color depth represents –log(FDR value, 2), and a darker color represents greater significant. Size represents log(mean FPKM level in LT1D, 10), and a bigger size represents greater expression in Lantang pigs at birth. Note: LT1D, Lantang pig 1 day after birth; LW1D, Landrace pig 1 day after birth; LT90D, Lantang pig 90 days after birth; LW90D, Landrace pig 90 days after birth

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