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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Crowdsourced benchmarking of taxonomic metagenome profilers: lessons learned from the sbv IMPROVER Microbiomics challenge

Fig. 2

Final team ranking in the sbv IMPROVER Microbiomics Challenge. Bar plot of the weighted sum of ranks (wsr) sorted from the lowest (best) to the highest (worst) wsr. A heatmap shows the wsr stratified by metrics (wU, weighted UniFrac; F1, F1 score; L1, L1 norm), taxonomic levels (Ph, phylum; Ge, genus; Sp, species), complexity (C; Standard corresponds to the real ZymoBIOMICS DNA standard), and sequence bias status (Un, unbiased sample; AT or GC, AT/GC-rich biased samples)

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