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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: Transcriptomic stability or lability explains sensitivity to climate stressors in coralline algae

Fig. 4

Conceptual model of the cellular pathways affected by global change stressors in Porolithon onkodes. Conceptual model shows proposed subcellular locations of differentially expressed genes and proposed pathway involvement. Expression levels of proteins and enzymes are based on results from differential expression and functional overrepresentation analyses of transcripts within clusters 1 and 2 from Fig. 3a. Red open circles denote significant (FDR < 0.05) upregulation and blue solid circles significant downregulation under the T + pH treatment. Grey squares denote transcripts that were found within the P. onkodes transcriptome and within edgeR differential expression analysis but were not found to be significantly differentially expressed. Asterisks (*) signify proteins that could have other subcellular localisations based on database (UniProt [27] and COMPARTMENTS) investigations. Enzymes encoded by transcripts from this study were found in the Calvin-cycle (orange), glycolysis (purple), and the pentose phosphate pathway, both the oxidative (green) and nonoxidative branch (blue), with these pathways being proposed to occur within the plastid/chloroplast of the algae. Definitions of abbreviations for proteins are found in Additional file 1, Table S4. HCO3− and CO2 are proposed to enter into the cell and directly used as a substrate for photosynthesis and calcification. Conceptual model was created with

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