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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: Differential Grainy head binding correlates with variation in chromatin structure and gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster

Fig. 4

Variation in chromatin accessibility at Grh-bound regions is moderately correlated with gene expression variation. A Histogram of the estimated chromatin accessibility of all regions variation between Zhr and Z30 parental strains. Bars are colored based on above (light gray) or below (dark gray) a q-value of 0.05 for the parental difference. B For all genes, a scatterplot contrasting the estimated variation in gene expression between parents (x-axis) versus the estimated variation in gene expression between hybrid alleles (y-axis). Spearman’s rho displayed in the bottom right corner. C Same as B, but only for genes classified as Grh-regulated. D For Grh-regulated genes, scatterplot contrasting the estimated variation in chromatin accessibility between hybrid alleles (x-axis) versus the estimated variation in gene expression between hybrid alleles (y-axis). Spearman’s rho displayed in the bottom right corner. Line best fit to the data is shown, with 95% confidence intervals in shaded gray around the line

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