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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Analysis of structural variation among inbred mouse strains

Fig. 1

Characterization of SVs within the 129Sv1, A/J, SJL, Balb/c and BTBR genomes. (A) The letter-value boxplots [62] show the size distribution of the 4 different types of SVs that are present in the genomes of the 5 strains: DEL, deletions; DUP, duplications; INV, inversions; and INS, insertions. The wide box shows the 25–75% values, while each of the smaller boxes show 12.5% of each data set. (B) Each of the four types of SV are categorized according to their size in each strain, and the total numbers of each type of SV is shown at the bottom. (C) This Sankey diagram shows the predicted functional consequences for the four different types of SV, which are categorized by their estimated severity (MODIFIER, MODERATE, HIGH). Only 628 SV are predicted to have a high functional impact (green), while most SVs are predicted to have a minor impact. The number of SVs with each type of functional annotation are indicated. (D). The number and type of the high impact SVs present in each of the 5 strains are shown. (E) This UpSet plot shows unique and shared SVs for each of the 5 strains. In the top graph, each vertical bar represents the number (and percentage) of SVs present in the strain(s) indicated in the intersection matrix, which is located below the top graph. In the intersection matrix, the total number of SVs in each of the 5 strains is indicated by the horizontal bar on the left; each colored dot indicates a single strain; and bars with 2 or more black dots indicate the number of shared SV among the strains indicated by the black dots

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