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Figure 5 | BMC Genomics

Figure 5

From: Impact of animal strain on gene expression in a rat model of acute cardiac rejection

Figure 5

Bivariate plots and heat maps of differentially expressed probesets. (A) Relative gene expression in native (strain effect) and transplanted hearts (rejection effect) are plotted on the x and y-axes, respectively in a base 10 log scale. Each circle represents one probeset. Probesets are colored to depict group membership as defined by the Venn diagram shown in Figure 3A. Strain and rejection effects are not highly correlated (R = 0.26). Differences in gene expression due to rejection are minimally confounded by differences in gene expression due to strain in heart tissue. In the heat map, red indicates over-expression and green indicates under-expression. From the heat map, it is visually evident that strain and rejection have dissimilar gene expression patterns. (B) Relative gene expression in the PBMC of untransplanted (strain effect) and transplanted (strain + rejection effect) animals are plotted on the x and y-axes, respectively, in a base 10 log scale. Each circle represents one probeset. Probesets are colored to depict group membership as defined by the Venn diagram shown in Figure 3B. Strain effects in both the absence and presence of rejection are highly correlated (R = 0.84). Differences in gene expression during rejection are unapparent compared to the large background differences attributable to animal strain. In the heat map, red indicates over-expression and green indicates under-expression. From the heat map it is visually evident that strain in the absence or presence of rejection is the predominant gene expression pattern. For both (A) and (B), certain probesets appear near each other but are placed in different categories as indicated by color coding. The categorization of probesets was based on the contribution of additional variables not apparent in these scatter plots (see Methods).

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