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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Genome and gene alterations by insertions and deletions in the evolution of human and chimpanzee chromosome 22

Figure 1

Classification of Indels into Core Types, Based on the Flanking Sequence. The indels are classified into 3 core types based on their similarity to the sequences in the 5 Kb flanking regions. The unique type is formed by the indels with no similarity to the flanking regions. The indels with at least one exact copy of indel sequence in the flanking regions define the exact type; and the approximate type includes indels with only partial (sub-repeats of indel sequence) or complex (combination of indels sub-repeats) copies of indel in the flanking region. Sub-repeats (length of ≥ 10 bp) are shown in frames, colors are used to designate between different core types: unique (blue), exact (red) and approximate (green).

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