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Archived Comments for: Over half of breakpoints in gene pairs involved in cancer-specific recurrent translocations are mapped to human chromosomal fragile sites

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  1. Mapping resolution

    Christopher Jones, UCL EGA Institute for Women

    23 September 2009

    I don't think the authors have done a very good job of defining the location of a fragile site in this paper. 'Entrez Gene' does not provide accurate localization of fragile sites - even where that data exists - and only actually provides the chromosome sub-band location. From that point of view, this paper does not really move the discussion forward.

    With not too much effort, the authors could have provided a more detailed analysis of those sites that have been mapped accurately. As an example, this would have shown that the MLL gene does not map to the same location as either FRA11B or FRA11G, but actually between these two sites.

    Competing interests

    None declared
