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Table 1 Antibacterial activity of pronavicin.

From: Antimicrobial peptide-like genes in Nasonia vitripennis: a genomic perspective


Lethal conc. (CL) (μM)

B. megaterium

3.11 (y = 1.0867x + 1.019, R2 = 0.998)

M. luteus

42.4 (y = 0.65x + 0.0175, R2 = 0.9956)

Bacillus sp.

19.5 (y = 0.7125x - 0.2313, R2 = 0.995)

S. typhimurium

15.8 (y = 0.3458x + 0.2525, R2 = 0.9993)

E. coli

61.8 (y = 0.2375x + 0.0712, R2 = 0.9774)

Stenotrophomonus sp. YC-1

78.0 (y = 0.3x + 0.0292, R2 = 0.9959)

Stenotrophomonus sp. LZ-1

12.0 (y = 0.3625x + 0.3, R2 = 0.9542)*

  1. * indicates the semi-inhibition of pronavicin against Stenotrophomonus. sp. LZ-1.