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Figure 7 | BMC Genomics

Figure 7

From: Recent acquisition of imprinting at the rodent Sfmbt2 locus correlates with insertion of a large block of miRNAs

Figure 7

Peromyscus and Kangaroo Rat Putative pre-miRNAs in Intron 10. Intron 10 sequence was BLAST searched against the mirBase database. Sequences that displayed homology with mir-467 family members were then subjected to folding with RNAFold to assess the liklihood of correct processing by Drosha and Dicer. Alignment of the putative pre-miRNAs with known mir-467 family members revealed the position of processed miRNAs in relation to the stem-loop (arrows). The Pero1 and Pero2 sequences are predicted by MiPred to be real, the Pero3 sequence is predicted to be a false miRNA hairpin, and the Kangaroo rat sequence is predicted to be a pseudo miRNA. Note that the region with highest homology to known mir-467 family members in the Kangaroo rat is too close to the Drosha base.

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