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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: The tammar wallaby major histocompatibility complex shows evidence of past genomic instability

Figure 2

Metaphase and interphase FISH showing the location of anchored BACs in order to order the contigs. (a-d) FISH on tammar walaby interphase nuclei showing (a) co-localization of contig 2 (BAC_241L16 in red) and contig 1 (BAC_288B16 in green), b) the positions of contig 2 (BAC_241L16 in red) and contig 6 (BAC_310P15 in green) relative to one another, c) the position of BAC_212C16 relative to contig 1 (BAC_288B16) and contig 6 (BAC_310P15), BAC_212C16 is midway between the two contigs, d) the position of BAC_210A8 relative to contig 1 (BAC_288B16) and contig 6 (BAC_310P15), BAC_210A8 is closer to BAC_288B16 than BAC_310P15. e) Metaphase FISH showing that contig 4 (BAC_244N6 in red) is telomeric to contig 6 (BAC_310P15 in green), f) Metaphase FISH showing that BAC_171E14 in red is approximately 1 Mb telomeric to contig 6 (BAC_310P15 in green).

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