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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: False negative rates in Drosophila cell-based RNAi screens: a case study

Figure 1

Identification of Proteosome and Ribosome signatures in RNAi screens. All dsRNAs included in the dendrogram target 243 proteasome and ribosome-related genes. Red indicates an increase in signal and green indicates a decrease in signal. (A) Results of clustering RNAi phenotypes in 16 screens of dsRNAs targeting ribosome and proteasome genes as defined by GO terms (see Materials and Methods). The proteasome complex and cytosolic ribosome clusters are highlighted in blue and green, respectively. The simple majority of dsRNAs outside these two clusters target mitochondrial ribosome components. (B) Consensus screen signature of the proteasome complex cluster. Each small square represents the mean Z-score of the dsRNAs in the proteasome complex cluster across a single screen. (C) Consensus screen signature of the cytosolic ribosome cluster.

The 16 screens are as follows from the left to the right: 1. Hormone receptor screen, plate-reader (unpublished), 2. Oncogenesis screen, plate-reader (unpublished), 3. Protein degradation screen, plate-reader (unpublished), 4. RNA processing screen, plate-reader (unpublished), 5. Mitochondrial calcium ion and proton antiporter screen, plate-reader [37], 6. Toxicity screen, plate-reader (unpublished), 7. Dengue virus host factors screen, image-based [38], 8. Ion homeostasis screen, plate-reader (unpublished). 9. Pathogen infection screen, image-based (unpublished), 10. Signaling pathway screen, plate-reader (unpublished), 11. Ion transport screen, plate-reader (unpublished), 12. Cytoskeleton regulation screen, image-based (unpublished), 13. Chromatin regulation screen, image-based (unpublished), 14. Francisella tularensis infection screen, plate-reader [39], 15. mRNA processing screen, plate-reader (unpublished), 16. Protein secretion screen, plate-reader (unpublished).

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