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Figure 5 | BMC Genomics

Figure 5

From: Analysis of nucleosome positioning determined by DNA helix curvature in the human genome

Figure 5

Nucleosome organizations near transcription start sites (TSSs) in human chromosome 20. (A), average nucleosome signals for all human chromosome 20 promoters aligned by TSS; y-axis represents an averaged scaled signal; fine line and thick grey line represent the curvature profile and the experimental data, respectively; the setting is the same for B and C; (B), nucleosome signals near class I TSSs (1080 nucleosome-occupied TSSs in vivo); (C), nucleosome signals near class II TSSs (2491 nucleosome-free TSSs in vivo); (D) and (E), the expression levels of genes in class I and class II; (F), counts of genes in according to their mRNA levels; the genes in class II have higher expression levels than those in Class I

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