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Figure 5 | BMC Genomics

Figure 5

From: Structural variation in the chicken genome identified by paired-end next-generation DNA sequencing of reduced representation libraries

Figure 5

Venn diagrams representing the distribution of predicted deletions in the four chicken breeds at mapping constraints 60 (left) and 35 (right). The number of structural variants is proportionally represented per breed, and line colors were assigned as follows: green = brown egg layer; blue = broiler 1; red = broiler 2; and purple = white egg layer. For example, the area that is surrounded by the blue line in the left diagram represents SVs found in broiler 1. Of these, 23 were specific for broiler 1 (yellow area), and 28 were shared with broiler 2 (dark yellow area surrounded by both the blue and red lines). The orange area surrounded by the blue, red, and green line represent 18 SVs shared by broiler 1, broiler 2, and brown egg layers. The red area in the middle of the diagram surrounded by the four line colors represents 20 SVs shared by the four breeds analyzed.

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