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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Probing the Xenopus laevis inner ear transcriptome for biological function

Figure 1

Normalization of X. laevis inner ear tissue (XIE) microarray data. A. Box plots of pre-normalized (A1) and GCRMA normalized (A2) Xl-PSID intensity data from three replicate XIE chips. B-D. MvA plots for pre-normalized (1) and GCRMA normalized (2) Xl-PSID intensity values representing the difference between chips XIE1-XIE2 (B), XIE1-XIE3 (C), and XIE2-XIE3 (D). Y axis (M, minus), differences in intensity for any given Xl-PSID from the two arrays. X axis (A, average), average intensity for a given Xl-PSID on the two arrays. Median and average IQR values for the Xl-PSID intensities are given on each plot.

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