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Figure 3 | BMC Genomics

Figure 3

From: Transcriptional ontogeny of the developing liver

Figure 3

Transcriptional similarities between the fetal liver and pancreas in the mouse. A. Principal component analysis (PCA) of fetal and neonatal liver compared to a library of ~80 mouse tissues. Left, view of all mouse tissues used in the comparison. Right, enhanced view showing the trajectory of liver maturation (arrow) from stem cells to adult livers and similarity between GD19 livers and pancreas from GD18.5 and adult animals. B. Fetal liver exhibits greater similarity to pancreas than adult liver. The biological replicates were clustered using hierarchical clustering. C. Overlap in the genes differentially expressed in the fetal liver or pancreas compared to the adult liver. Fetal liver (GD19) or adult pancreas (PND60) was compared to adult livers. D.Concordance in the direction and intensity of the fold-changes in the 9919 overlapping genes from C. E. Expression of pancreas-specific genes in the developing liver. Left, expression of all genes identified as detailed in the Materials and Methods. The position of Hamp2, examined by RT-PCR is shown. Right, pancreas-specific genes up-regulated during development. Arrowheads indicate genes examined by RT-PCR. F. Sustained expression of a subset of pancreas-specific genes in the neonate. The expression of the pancreas-specific genes was examined in the C57BL/6J male mice at the indicated times in the fetus and neonate. For D-F, the intensity scale indicates fold-changes compared to the adult controls. Red, up-regulation; green, down-regulation; black, no change. G. RT-PCR of pancreas-specific gene expression in mouse livers from GD14 to PND28.

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