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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Dose-dependent effects of small-molecule antagonists on the genomic landscape of androgen receptor binding

Figure 1

Comparative analysis of AR binding in low and high androgen levels. (A) Mean sequence conservation profiles based on phastCons score sampled every 100 bp from the summit of AR binding sites to 10 kb in both directions. The inset provides a zoom-in view of the profiles in the immediate vicinity of the summit. (B) Over 99% of the sites bound by AR in the absence of R1881 stimuli were also bound in its presence. (C) AR selectively occupied stronger binding sites in the absence of R1881 stimuli. AR binding sites defined from R1881(+) sample were divided into two groups based on overlap with R1881(−)-defined sites (Bound: n = 2330; Not Bound: n = 14577). Boxplots depict the distributions of their binding scores.

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