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Table 5 Table of differences in hybridization ratios for the 4 Dutch and the 4 French markers between clinical isolates and environmental strains

From: Prediction of the origin of French Legionella pneumophila strains using a mixed-genome microarray


Hybridization ratios


Total sample

Clinical isolates

Environmental strains

Effect size


(n = 219)

(n = 114)

(n = 105)


Dutch markers



1.64 (2.94)

2.33 (3.26)

0.89 (2.35)



0.50 (0.53)

0.64 (0.53)

0.34 (0.48)



1.17 (0.25)

1.23 (0.16)

1.11 (0.30)


 33 F8

1.08 (0.36)

1.07 (0.39)

1.09 (0.34)


French markers



0.96 (0.17)

1.01 (0.13)

0.91 (0.19)



0.89 (0.20)

0.84 (0.16)

0.94 (0.23)



0.64 (0.83)

0.91 (0.87)

0.35 (0.68)



1.05 (0.14)

1.04 (0.09)

1.05 (0.18)


  1. Data represent mean hybridization ratios (SD). Effect size was calculated as the difference in ratio between clinical isolates and environmental strains, divided by the within group standard deviation (SD) of the ratio in the total sample. SD = standard deviation.