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Figure 4 | BMC Genomics

Figure 4

From: Metabolite and transcriptome analysis during fasting suggest a role for the p53-Ddit4 axis in major metabolic tissues

Figure 4

Analyses of differentially expressed genes regulated by fasting in all three tissues revealing an involvement of p53 and Srebp signaling pathway. (A) Venn diagram of genes differentially regulated (1.3x, FDR5) in WAT, LIV, and SM and their intersections. (B) Two hundred genes differentially regulated in all three tissues were submitted to DAVID functional annotation using GO terms and KEGG pathways. Count shows the number of mapped genes and Benjamini-Hochberg’s correction was used for adjusting p-value for multiple testing. (C) Metacore mapping as obtained from analysis with the commonly regulated gene list. The thermometers display expression levels of mapped genes (1: WAT, 2: SM, 3: LIV). (D) Heatmap of p53 target genes discussed in the text. Values are log2 transformed. White dots mark highest expression between the 3 tissues. (E) and (F) Manually compiled heatmaps indicating expression levels of genes comprising the FA (E) and cholesterol biosynthesis (F) pathways. Values are log2 transformed. White dots mark highest expression between the 3 tissues.

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