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Figure 9 | BMC Genomics

Figure 9

From: Characterizing a collective and dynamic component of chromatin immunoprecipitation enrichment profiles in yeast

Figure 9

Condition specificity of co-enrichment at ncRNA genes. (A) Each row is a TF, and experimental conditions for that TF are plotted on the same row with letters indicating the condition. Conditions are: “Y”, rich media; “S”, sulfometuron methyl; “R”, rapamycin; “H”, hydrogen peroxide; “1”, 1-butanol; “A”, succinic acid; “G”, galactose; “V”, vitamin deprived medium; “M”, alpha mating factor; “F”, raffinose; and “P”, phosphate deprived medium. ChIP enrichment at ncRNA genes is expressed as the difference between the mean log2 fold enrichment of ncRNA gene probes and the mean log2 fold enrichment of all other probes. (B) Leu3p, Ste12p, and Mot3p enrichment at ncRNA genes in rich media vs. sulfometuron methyl treatment. For each factor and condition, an empirical cumulative distribution function is shown contrasting the distribution in log2 fold enrichment (FE) for ncRNA gene probes and all other probes.

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