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Archived Comments for: Influence of RNA extraction methods and library selection schemes on RNA-seq data

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  1. Correction of values in Table 2-Transcript Coverage.

    Marc Sultan, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics

    15 October 2014

    Six values were skewed in Table 2 (Transcript Coverage) during the formatting process and are thus wrong in the current version of the manuscript. These are the correct values:

    >Column: "PolyA Tot RNA Qiagen"; Row: "Genes with only 1 read":

    correct value: 268

    >Column: "PolyA Tot RNA Qiagen"; Row: "Genes with > 5 reads":

    correct value: 16697

    >Column: "RiboZero Tot RNA Qiagen"; Row: "Genes with rpkm >0.5":

    correct value: 12115

    >Column: "RiboZero Tot RNA Qiagen"; Row: "Genes > 50% covered":

    correct value: 14448

    >Column: "RiboZero Tot RNA Qiagen"; Row: "antisense":

    correct value: 742

    >Column: "RiboZero Tot RNA Qiagen"; Row: "sense intronic":

    correct value: 42


    Best regards,

    Marc Sultan

    Competing interests

    no competing interest.
