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Figure 5 | BMC Genomics

Figure 5

From: Genome wide SNP identification in chickpea for use in development of a high density genetic map and improvement of chickpea reference genome assembly

Figure 5

Genotyping of CPR-01 RIL mapping population using Illumina GoldenGate genotyping platform. Representative clustering pattern of SNP genotyping generated using the Illumina GenomeStudio software where clusters in red dots represent ICCV 96029 type allele and blue represent CDC Frontier type allele. Illustrating examples of A: monomorphic marker (Cav1sc20.1p369405), B: polymorphic marker (Cav1sc22.1p1201405), C: dominant type SNP (Cav1sc145.1p492549) being presence in ICCV 96029 and absence in CDC Frontier, D: dominant type SNP (Cav1sc22.1p1253434) being homozygous in CDC Frontier and heterozygous in ICCV 96029, E: heterozygote alleles for all RILs (Cav1sc242.1p436014), F: failed genotype pattern (Cav1sc680.1p93464). The data points in color represent genotype calls for each sample (red = AA; purple = AB; blue = BB; black = outlier) and the parents of CPR-01 population are highlighted in yellow. The x-axis (Norm Theta) represents angle of the center of cluster in normalized polar coordinate while y-axis (Norm R) represent normalized intensity.

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