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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Sequence differences at orthologous microsatellites inflate estimates of human-chimpanzee differentiation

Figure 1

Summary of the identification and sequence analysis of the chimpanzee microsatellite DNA sequences. The blue bar indicates the PCR fragment length range in the chimpanzee genotype data, for which g and G are the smallest and largest PCR fragment lengths, respectively; the red bar represents the PCR fragment length range when extended by 6 bp on each side. The ePCR fragment length in the UCSC chimpanzee reference sequence is denoted by x. The quantities pf,l, qf,l and qf,i refer to the length, BLASTN alignment length, and BLASTN sequence identity of the forward primer, while pr,l, qr,l and qr,i refer to the exact same quantities for the reverse primer. A, B, C, D refer to the repeat units of the different STR regions in a microsatellite sequence, with a, b, c, and d being the number of times they are repeated, respectively. N indicates a nucleotide not within an STR region, with n being the number of nucleotides separating two consecutive STR regions. For microsatellites with three and four STR regions, n1, n2, and n3 represent the numbers of nucleotides separating the first and second, the second and third, and the third and fourth STR regions, respectively. Key: ∧, and; ∨, or.

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