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Archived Comments for: Cluster based prediction of PDZ-peptide interactions

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  1. Citation correction

    Kousik Kundu, University of Freiburg

    5 February 2014

    Unfortunately current reference 42 (Akiva P, Toporik A, Edelheit S, Peretz Y, Diber A, Shemesh R, Novik A, Sorek R: Transcription-mediated gene fusion in the human genome.**/Genome Res/ 2006, 16*:*30-6) is wrong. the correct citation would be:

    Akiva, E., Friedlander, G., Itzhaki, Z., and Margalit, H. (2012). A dynamic view of domain-motif interactions. PLoS Comput Biol, 8(1), e1002341

    Competing interests

    None declared
