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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Array-CGH and multipoint FISH to decode complex chromosomal rearrangements

Figure 1

Chr3 reconstitution in UOK147 based on chromosome painting and mpFISH. A. Chr3 fragments, yellow, are identified by painting on rearranged marker chromosomes (M1, M2....M8). To the right DAPI banding. B. Examples of different mpFISH probe pair (red and green signals) localization on the rearranged chromosomes shown in A. White font on the top line: localization of the used pair on chr3 bands. Red and green fonts: the Mb position and the name of clone having red and green signals respectively. All the clones shown here belong to RP11 BAC library. C. Colour coding of banding pattern on the chr3 ideogram. D. Schematic colour coded representation of chr3 fragments in UOK147 on the rearranged marker chromosomes. Black arrow indicate a deletion site on M1, red arrow shows duplication on M3. Grey parts represent translocation partners from other chromosomes.

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